

next_ad_int_ldap_filter_synchronizable_attributes (array $attributeNames, NextADInt_Ldap_UserQuery $userQuery) : array $attributeNames

Get final attributes which should be synchronized to WordPress


This filter is applied after next_ad_int_sync_ad2wp_filter_synchronizable_users for each user. You can add or unset custom LDAP attributes which should be (or not be) retrieved from the Active Directory.

Return value

array $attributeNames

An array contains Active Directory attribute names


array $attributeNames

This array contains the Active Directory attributes which has been defined by plug-in itself and the NADI administrator. You should not unset any of the internal attributes like ‘objectguid’.

NextADInt_Ldap_UserQuery $userQuery

GUID, sAMAccountName or userPrincipalName


next_ad_int_ldap_map_userinfo (array|false $bestMatch, array $matchesFromLdap, NextADInt_Ldap_UserQuery $userQuery, array $attributeNames) : array|false $bestMatch

since 2.1.13


After the Active Directory has successfully found a GUID, a userPrincipalName or a number of sAMAccountNames, it runs this hook.

Return value


A one-dimensional array containing the best match of the provided users or false if NADI can not deal with more than one match.


array|false $bestMatch

If a best match has been already specified, otherwise false.

array|boolean $matchesFromLdap

  • an array of size 1 with the first element being the unique user behind of a GUID or userPrincipalName
  • an array of size 2 or greater when a search for a sAMAccountName has been executed against a Global Catalog in Active Directory forest.

int $totalMatches

Number of total matches found.

NextADInt_Ldap_UserQuery $userQuery

GUID, sAMAccountName or userPrincipalName

array $attributeNames

This array contains the Active Directory attributes which has been defined by plug-in itself and the NADI administrator. You should not unset any of the internal attributes like ‘objectguid’.