Premium extensions Custom Role Management
June 29, 2024 at 4:56 AMThis plug-in allows to modify the WordPress roles assigned by NADI for specific users.
Download the premium extension
Copy the extracted ZIP file into your wp-content/plugins directory
Activate the plug-in in your WordPress plug-in view
Make sure that the user your want to manage with the custom role management plugin is already created in WordPress. After that you can configure additional role settings for the user in the plugin configuration page:
Save the mapping. With the next login of the user or the next Sync to WordPress run the user roles get updated.
Done :-)
Additional information
User not found
If you receive the following error trying to save your mapping:
The plug-in could not find a WordPress user with the entered name. Please make sure the user already exists in the WordPress database and you entered the user_login name correctly.
“Clean Existing Roles” in NADI and this extension
The “Clean Existing Roles” option inside Custom Role Management for specific users has a higher priority than the global “Clean Existing Roles” option of the main plug-in. This means if Clean Existing Roles is enabled in the Next Active Directory Integration plug-in and Clean Existing Roles is set false for the user “administrator” by this plug-in, his existing roles won’t get deleted.
User list information
We also added a new column to the blog user list providing you with information if a user is managed by the Custom Role Management extension.
Multisite Support
The Custom Role Management extension also supports Multisite environments. You can configure different settings for each blog.
The Custom Role Management extension creates additional logs while performing. Example: